Saturday, 3 August 2013

Taking Another Look At Every Regeneration!

Since the Twelfth Doctor is to be announced tomorrow, I thought I'd look back at all of The Doctor's regenerations and share my thoughts on them... So, let's get started!

William Hartnell to Patrick Troughton (1966)
So, admittedly the first regeneration from the lost episode four of The Tenth Planet wasn't the most amazing regeneration (although considering it's from almost 50 years ago, I think it's really good!) but it was the first and for that reason, it's probably the most important.

It looks pretty damn good and I can't wait to watch the animated version on the upcoming DVD release of Hartnell's final story which from what I've seen, looks excellent!

 Patrick Troughton to Jon Pertwee (1969)
In my personal opinion, Troughton's regeneration in the ten-part The War Games was the most interesting (well, except for McGann's maybe...)

Rather than regenerating because he's dying, the Time Lords force him to regenerate and exile him to Earth simply for being himself! It's a fantastic regeneration and Patrick Troughton's Doctor is pretty funny even during his last moments!

I originally saw the scene in a video that showed all of the classic regenerations and was very confused so I just had to find the story on DVD... My only issue with this one is that we didn't get to see Jon Pertwee at the end.

Jon Pertwee to Tom Baker (1974)
I think that Pertwee's final scene in Planet of the Spiders is the most emotional regeneration (aswell as my favourite) with the fantastic "Tear, Sarah Jane? Now don't cry... While there's life, there's..." line.

It really does bring a tear to my eye and while the effect used for this one wasn't the best ever, the rest of it was basically perfect! The Brigadier's "Not again..." line is great and the five actors in this four minute scene are all absolutely amazing!

Tom Baker to Peter Davison (1981)
I don't think Tom Baker's regeneration was anything too special... It's not bad but it's not very good either although it has some good parts such as the "It's the end... But the moment has been prepared for!" line which has unfortunately been cut from this video.

I also think the Fourth Doctor should have had a better fate than a big fall and a better final story than Logopolis but oh well, what's done is done. It's okay overall but it could have and should have been better but atleast we've got the Fourth Doctor Time Capsule now which kind of makes up for it.

Peter Davison to Colin Baker (1984)
Peter Davison's final moments were fantastic with The Doctor imagining loads of his companions telling him he musn't die and The Master telling him he must die... Then we get this weird but cool regeneration effect and get Colin Baker's brilliant "Change, my dear... And it seems not a moment to soon!" line.

It also helps that The Caves of Androzani, being rated the #1 story in Doctor Who Magazine's Mighty 200 back in 2009. Absolutely fantastic end for the Fifth Doctor era!

Colin Baker to Sylvester McCoy (1987)
Hang on, that's not Colin Baker! It's Sylvester McCoy in a blonde wig!

I think most fans can agree that this is the worst regeneration ever! Colin refused to film the regeneration scene after hearing he'd been fired so we got this mess and I don't know if I should laugh or cry at it. It just doesn't look good and while McCoy turned out to be a fantastic Doctor with some fantastic stories in Seasons 25 and 26, I really wish they hadn't fired Colin Baker like that.

A terrible first appearance for a great Doctor.

Sylvester McCoy to Paul McGann (1996)
I don't think McCoy's regeneration was bad but maybe that's just because of the awful regeneration in Time and the Rani? This is actually pretty creepy and the way McGann scares the guy watching Frankenstein just after regenerating is brilliant.

I just wish McCoy could have had a better death than being shot by a human (or killed by the medical doctors, whichever you think caused it.)

Overall, it's pretty good but not amazingly good.

Paul McGann to Christopher Eccleston
Well, we never got to see this happen but here's an excellent fan-made regeneration sequence!

Christopher Eccleston to David Tennant (2005)
While Christopher Eccleston left the show after just one series, his regeneration was the best in a while. It marked the first time the fire effect was used and it was brilliant at the time although I think it's getting a bit old now.

This was my first regeneration and it really confused me at first but I've rewatched it about 100 times now and it really is a special scene. It was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic!

David Tennant to Matt Smith (2010)
Another brilliant one! I think it's tied for most emotional, along with Pertwee's. While I do like the fire effect, I was hoping this would be the last use of it because variety is good but after Series 6 I think they're going to keep it for a while yet. David Tennant is my favourite Doctor and at first I wasn't really sure if Matt Smith would be any good but it turns out that he is fantastic and I can't wait to see how good his regeneration is.

Even if not all of the regenerations are great, I think all eleven of the Doctors we've had so far have been amazing and let's hope that the Twelfth Doctor is just as good!

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