I started listening to it with rather high expectations but I was, unfortunately, quite disappointed...
Firstly, it's a very bland story - it's all set on Earth during the American Civil War and all The Doctor and Amy are there for is to find an alien artefact that the Confederate Army have managed to get their hands on.
The aliens in this story (the Cei) are very disappoiting as they're only in it for something like 5 minutes and all they really do is chase The Doctor, Amy, Vin, etc. so I can't really say much about them.
The reason it's called The Runaway Train is because when the Cei are trying to get the artefact back, The Doctor tries to escape by jumping on the 3.25 to Arizona train. This disappointed me as I was expecting something much more exciting.
Now, one good thing about this audio is that we get to hear Matt Smith's attempt at an American accent and it's surprisingly good! I'd recommend this audiobook just to hear it! The other thing I like about it is that it's only 99p to download from the AudioGO website so for that price, it's worth a look even if it's not brilliant.
Overall, the story itself is just as bad (if not worse) than, let's say, Timelash or Fear Her and I certainly wouldn't give it a second listen but for the extremely cheap price of 99p, I do recommend buying it although it's fairly likely that you'll get bored within in the first 15 or so minutes. It's far from amazing, but it's better than some of the very unpopular stories like Underworld and The Twin Dilemma...
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