Thursday, 15 August 2013

Rebecca's Thoughts on the 50th

The more I hear about the upcoming 50th anniversary special, the more I am getting disappointed. Why? Three reasons. 


I don't see why this is happening. It makes sense that they want to bring back and old companion, but she is just from the recent series. It is the 50th. Shouldn't they have picked someone from an older series? I find it unfair to all the other actresses who have taken part in the show. Besides the unfairness, I have to now sit through her constant whining and selfishness through the whole episode. That is not going to be enjoyable at all. 


So now that the 10th Doctor and Rose are back, I have to endure the relentless insinuations of their romantic link. Yet again this is unfair to all the past Doctors. Why is the newer Doctors only being highlighted? I bet the most we will see of the past anything will be just flashbacks. This irritates me. They are just trying to please the younger generation. 


I understand that the Daleks are infamous with the show. However, they are in every series now. They have grown old to me and not in a good way. Why do they have to be back? We need a break from them. 

I am definitely not looking forward to this. Hopefully they will surprise me.

Rebecca White likes to sit at home and watch Doctor Who with her husband Ethan and her dog Moomar. She has a cat, but she does not like watching Doctor Who with him. (He gets ideas from the Daleks.) Follow her on twitter @grumpywhovian and check out her blog


  1. I'm very happy to see Tennant back but not Rose... Why not Martha or Donna? And why didn't they have atleast taken Tom Baker's idea into consideration and had the oldest surviving Doctors sitting in a cafe having a cup of tea?

    I'm personally looking forward to it and hoping they don't disappoint me.

  2. I would be actually excited if Donna came back.

    1. So would I, she's my favourite new series companion.
