Thursday, 15 August 2013

Featured Villain: Cybermen

The Cybermen are some of Doctor Who's most iconic villains. They first appeared in the First Doctor's final story - The Tenth Planet and they have since appeared in The Moonbase, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Wheel in Space, The Invasion, Revenge of the Cybermen, Earthshock, The Five Doctors, Attack of the Cybermen, Silver Nemesis, Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, Army of Ghosts, Doomsday, The Next Doctor, The Pandorica Opens, A Good Man Goes to War, Closing Time, Nightmare in Silver, the Torchwood episode Cyberwoman and multiple appearances in books, audios, etc. Basically, they've appeared a lot and are fan-favourite villains.

They are humanoids and before they were upgraded, they were actual humans (or atleast very similar to humans). There have been two types of Cybermen - Mondasian Cybermen which are upgraded humans (or humanoids) that originated on the planet Mondas and Cybus Cybermen made by John Lumic on a parallel Earth (although there may be a third type as we don't know which type the Cybermen that appeared in Series 6 and 7 were).

They sometimes use rodent-like cyborgs called Cybermats as guards, plague carriers or energy thieves. These have appeared in The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Wheel in Space, Revenge of the Cybermen and Closing Time. Something called a Cybermite which is basically an upgraded Cybermat appeared in Nightmare in Silver.

They have have no emotions and they view them as a weakness. They turn humans into Cybermen with a process called Cyber conversion (referred to simply as "upgrading" by the Cybus Cybermen.)

Featured Scene:

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