Saturday, 27 July 2013

Doctor Who: The Sun Makers Review!

Okay, so I've just watched The Sun Makers and I actually found it very, very enjoyable! I know this story isn't exactly disliked by fans, but it's one of those that is generally ignored and forgotten about, which is a huge shame. It's written by Robert Holmes - one of the best writers ever in my opinion, but it gets overlooked because of all his other, more popular scripts such as Terror of the Autons, The Ark in Space, Revenge of the Cybermen, Pyramids of Mars, The Talons of Weng-Chiang and The Caves of Androzani.

I think the main reason everyone tends to ignore this story was because most of the kids who were Doctor Who fans in the Tom Baker era wouldn't have known what taxes were back then and so wouldn't understand the story properly... Anyway, there are some really memorable scenes in it such as Episode 3's cliffhanger, The Doctor finally starts to like K9 and then we've got the "Have some jelly babies!" scene in the Correction Center.

I think the Collector is a pretty decent villain, although I, like many others would have rather seen a real alien along with him (yes, I know he is an alien but... You know what I mean.)

It's a very interesting and rather unusual story in my opinion and it's certainly worth a watch.


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