Friday, 26 July 2013

Doctor Who: Series 7 Part 2 Review!

Like Part 1, I feel that Series 7 Part 2 was very underrated, Starring Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman with brilliant executive producers Steven Moffat and Caroline Skinner, I personally think it's the 2nd best series of Doctor Who since it was revived in 2005, only behind Series 4!

The Snowmen

Okay, let's kick this review off with the Christmas special: The Snowmen! This marks the first appearance of the Great Intelligence since The Web of Fear in 1968. This was, in my opinion, an amazing Christmas special and one of my favourite New Who episodes. You may disagree, but I think this and The Christmas Invasion are the only good Christmas specials so far. I love the Great Intelligence and I really love how he brings snowmen to life in order to try and take over the world. It's great that Richard E. Grant, who previously played the Shalka Doctor in Scream of the Shalka got another chance to act in Doctor Who. It also has a pretty sad ending that then becomes a happy ending, which is nice. Overall this is a very good episode and we need more Christmas specials like this! Oh, and if you're a fan of Jenny, Vastra and Strax then there is a lot of character development for them in this!

 The Bells of Saint John

And now we get to the real start of Series 7 Part 2! It introduces the very tech-illiterate Clara Oswald (not Oswin Oswald or Clara Oswin Oswald) who has somehow gotten the number for the TARDIS phone and seems to think that The Doctor is a tech support guy. Like the previous episode, this one has the Great Intelligence in it, although not for very long. A problem some people have with this episode is the fact that Wi-fi doesn't work like it does in this episode... But you're forgetting, it's Doctor Who! It doesn't have to make any sense! Personally I thought this was an enjoyable and interesting episode and I certainly would recommend it.
The Rings of Akhaten

Alright, not every episode can be absolutely amazing... I can't say I enjoyed this one at all... It was incredibly overhyped and there's not much else to say about it really. It's a very slow episode about an evil mummy in a glass case who all the locals worship. I literally can't say anything else about it because, in my personal opinion, it's so boring... It's watchable but I just don't recommend it.

Cold War

This one's pretty good, not the best ever though. I think the Ice Warriors should have had a better return but it's an enjoyable episode overall. We've got a pretty funny scene where The Doctor pulls a Barbie doll from his pocket and we've also got the Professor guy (who is in my opinion an excellent character) asking if a band splits up in the future, which is also kind of funny. We also get to see an Ice Warrior unmask, which is pretty cool. So yeah - quite enjoyable but it could have been so much better, had it been a bit more like previous Ice Warrior stories such as The Seeds of Death and The Curse of Peladon.


Urgh, this is really bad in my opinion. I was expecting a lot from this one, so it might just the disappointment that makes me dislike this but I found it so boring and barely watchable. I was expecting a scary episode, but I got just the opposite (although I haven't tried watching it in the dark - maybe I should do that.) I consider this to be one of the very few episodes worse than The Rings of Akhaten - seriously, it's just so bland and boring and I just can't bring myself to like it...

The Crimson Horror

Believe it or not, I think this episode is brilliant. I didn't really like it on my first viewing but on my second I realized just how underrated this story is! Mark Gatiss did a great job on this one and if it weren't for this then I wouldn't like Jenny, Vastra or Strax. I'll admit, I laughed at the "Thomas Thomas" thing and I couldn't tell if Strax eating horses was a reference to the Tesco horse meat scandal or not. I think this is very enjoyable and could be the most underrated episode of Doctor Who ever, but what do you think?

Nightmare in Silver

Well, this is okay. The main reason I disliked it was Angie. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure she could be a great actor, but this episode made me really dislike the character ("I hate the future! Not even got phone signal!") Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman both show that they're brilliant actors, the Cybermen are brilliant in this episode and Poridge is a damn good character. It's an underrated episode but I think almost everyone can agree with me on this: The Doctor's Wife was better. Still, Neil Gaiman is a great writer and this is a solid episode, and while it is enjoyable, it's just a tiny bit disappointing.

The Name of the Doctor

This is one of Steven Moffat's best episodes in my opinion. We finally get to see the First Doctor stealing the TARDIS back on Gallifrey, we see atleast a tiny bit of all the past Doctors, we finally see The Doctor go to Trenzalore and we see River Song for the first time since The Angels Take Manhattan and I think Richard E. Grant did an even better job as the Great Intelligence here than he did in The Snowmen. I like how The Doctor's remains are an open time stream instead of a body and I just think it's a really good episode. Everyone in it shows how well they can act and my only problem with it is the cliffhanger - WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG TO FIND OUT WHO JOHN HURT'S DOCTOR IS!? It's a brilliant episode, probably the most enjoyable of Series 7 and I couldn't recommend it any more!


EDIT: No time to go into detail but I just realized I forgot about Journey To the Centre of the TARDIS! Anyway, that's a very underrated episode and I do recommend it.


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