Thursday, 25 July 2013

Doctor Who Series 7 Part 1 Review

So, not a lot of people enjoyed series 7 very much. I thought it was brilliant, so I'm going to tell you why I enjoyed most of this brilliant series which starred Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill and two brilliant executive producers: Steven Moffat and Caroline Skinner.

Asylum of the Daleks


Despite all the hate it gets, I think Asylum of the Daleks is quite possibly the best episode of series 7. It was the first time we got to see Clara (or Oswin Oswald in this episode...), and while we didn't get to see many of them for long, we did get to see just about every Dalek that still exists. I think having an asylum of Daleks is a brilliant idea and I've watched this episode 4 or 5 times now. I've noticed that the main problems people seem to have with this episode are the fact that it's the first time we hear about Amy and Rory's divorce, but the thing is this was sort of covered in Pond Life although that short didn't really tell us much about it.. And then there's the other problem about Skaro being destroyed at the end of Remembrance of the Daleks, which is true but in one of the Doctor Who books, it says that the planet destroyed in that story wasn't really Skaro. The problem that creates is that the destroyed planet was referred to as "Skaro." Who knows? I just won't let continuity errors stop me from enjoying a good episode!

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

Okay, this marks the first time we've seen dinosaurs in Doctor Who since 1974's Invasion of the Dinosaurs. Again, this is a very underrated episode. It introduces Rory's dad: Brian Williams, who was, in my opinion, an absolutely fantastic and pretty funny character. This episode gives us the hilarious "What's in your pockets?" "Only my balls." scene and I think Queen Nefertiti and John Riddell are good characters too - I would have liked to see more of them. One of the problems people have with this episode is because of what The Doctor did to Soloman. Seriously? Soloman seemed like a terrible man, probably worse than all the Daleks put together, just not quite as dangerous! This episode was fun to watch and it's great to see the dinosaurs again! I definitely do recommend it.

A Town Called Mercy

While I certainly preferred the previous two episodes, this was a good episode that was fun to watch, just like Dinosaurs On A Spaceship. I think Jex and The Gunslinger were both interesting characters, and again we get a hilarious line while learning that The Doctor can speak Horse: "Actually, his name's not Joshua. It's Susan and he wants you to respect his life choices." Other than that, this episode isn't brilliant: It's way too bland for my liking, and it feels like a cowboy movie. Still, it's watchable and we've had much worse episodes in the past.
The Power of Three

In my opinion, this is the most underrated episode of Series 7. Sure, it could have been better but I really, really enjoyed it. I thought it was great to see what The Doctor does in his spare time, but staring at a little blue box for ages sounds ridiculous and is not something anyone would do in real life. The main reason I liked this story is because it was the first in what feels like forever to feature UNIT, and we got the "There's soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants!" line from Rory. In my opinion, what this story really needed was Brigadier Allistar Gordan Lethbridge-Stewart... It's a huge shame that he couldn't be in it. Still, I thought it was a good story although you might disagree with that.
The Angels Take Manhattan

Yay, the Weeping Angels are finally back, and so is River Song! While it's not quite as good as Blink in my opinion, I certainly preferred it to The Time of Angels & Flesh and Stone. Sadly, it's the last episode for Amy & Rory but it really was good. It's the scariest Doctor Who episode in a while - especially if you watch it in the early hours of the morning in the dark! Moffat's writing has been pretty hit-or-miss since Series 6, but this is among his best episodes. I think Amy & Rory's exit was perfect and it was a brilliant episode overall. Highly recommended!

Coming soon: Series 7 Part 2 Review!

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